Wiki-Solar opportunity-matching service |
These services are being developed to assist participants in the utility-scale solar power sector find suitable assets or partners. The services are in the early stages of roll-out at alpha status. Our fee structure is detailed here. |
Buying and selling existing or planned assets |
If you want to buy or sell an existing or planned project (the top two lines of options on this form), we will introduce you to experienced brokers with substantial expertise in the sector. We would charge a one-off introduction fee of US$480, which would be refunded to you by the brokers, when they are appointed to handle your transaction. You would also be eligible for a discount on the regional analysis service. |
Counter-party matching service |
This service, enables participants to find suitable partners for the development or operation of utility-scale solar power plants. It applies to any selections below the top two lines of options on this form. The service includes:
Registering you for 6-months and introducing you to any other applicable counter-parties registered with us
Providing at the start of the period a list* of known counter-parties with a track-record in the relevant region, including
Providing any updates to this list on a 2-monthly basis
* The list typically comprises the top twelve counterparties based on the participant type and the region you have selected. If we have more than twelve such counterparties, we will let you know and you can choose whether to purchase the full list, or simply the top twelve. If we have less than six counterparties, the fee is set at a reduced level. |
How to take advantage of these opportunities |
When you have submitted your requirements using the form on this page, we will confirm the applicable fee by email. If this is acceptable, you confirm your requirement, and the payment currency, and we will submit our formal invoice. Your registration will be completed upon payment. |
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