Targeted analysis of existing and planned solar parks |
Our comprehensive database allows us to analyse data on solar parks in any continent or country. In addition to our major market reports (see here) we also produce more concise analysis of these key parameters:
Number, total capacity and list of solar power plants (both commissioned and under development)
Key performance and development ratios, and significant trends. Figures include:
Load factor (MWh/yr per MWP)
Performance ratio (MWAC per MWP)
Site area (hectare per MW)
Emissions reductions (tonnes CO2 per MWh or MW)
Capital costs ($m per MW)
Major participants in the region, including project developers and the other 5 participant classifications listed here |
Our fee for this analysis is US$180 for continents and major countries and US$100 for other countries, as further detailed here, where quantity discounts are also offered. If you wish to purchase this analysis for any countries or regions, please detail your requirements below. |