
Custom reports

The Wiki-Solar Database holds a wealth of information that could leverage your business expertise

Use our information to enhance your business

In addition to the standard products offered (see buttons on the right), we can also offer tailored information to suit other specific need you may have.

How to ask for a custom report

If our reports on prospective business partners, market overviews and detailed country reports don't provide what you need, email us to specify your particular requirements.

We will asess how much data we can provide in response to your requirements and will email back within a few days to confirm what is available, and will quote a price. We usually quote prices in £GBP or US$, but please advise if you would prefer to pay in €uros.

At the same time we will quote you a reference number for your payment. Above the appropriate button below, select your reference number from the drop-down menu. Then press the 'Order custom report' button.

Your report will be despatched by email on receipt of your payment.

Commercial terms

These customised services are undertaken on a chargeable basis to reflect the value of the information and the resources required to make it available.

In this capacity the work is undertaken by our parent organisation WolfeWare Limited trading as Wiki-Solar. Payments will be made to WolfeWare as shown on this page.

How the reports are compiled

The reports are compiled using the extensive Wiki-Solar Database, which is also used to produce these maps.

Further details on the way in which the data is processed for our reports are given here.

Quick links to standard reports

To order an overview of a country or continent

List projects in a given country:

List projects by continent or worldwide:

List key utility-scale solar players in a country:

Overview of the projects, participants and system design parameters in a country:

To order partner lists from networking service