
Networking service

Because we hold the most comprehensive database of global utility-scale solar power plant we are often contacted to help participants find suitable partners or buy or sell assets.

Lists of worldwide utility-scale solar projects

A resource for those wanting details of all the 20,000+ projects on our database, or those in a given region. 

Report options and formats

We offer four options to allow you to select the parameters you require. To illustrate the formats, we provide these XLSX samples of the Combi, Omni, and Supra reports.

The following parameters are given (where known). For further details see this webpage, which shows symbols , Ȼ, Ø and § to identify which parameters are included in each of the following options:


Prime report (PDF) includes parameters:

      • Project name and reference
      • Status and on-line year
      • Capacity (MWAC)
      • Location; town and state/province/county

Combi report (XLSX) includes all the above fields, plus Ȼ:

      • Project participants (see the list on the right) on sheet 2.

Omni report (XLSX) includes all the above and Ȼ fields, plus Ø:

      • Latitude & longitude with hyperlink to sites visible on Google Maps +
      • Site area (Ha.)                       •   DC capacity (MWP)
      • Design output (GWh/year)     •   Equivalent homes powered
      • Annual CO2 savings

Supra report (XLSX) includes all the above , Ȼ and Ø fields, plus sheet 3 showing:

      • Data on solar, inverter, mounting and storage subsystems shown by § on this page
      • Key project ratios (such as performance ratio, site density) shown by or § on this page
      • Financial data on costs and tariff income shown by or § on this page

+ Plus a separate (KML) file is included with Omni+ and Supra+ reports

      • This file holds polygons showing the site areas of each plant (where available)

Prices and online ordering

Prices depend on the region, format and contents. To place your order, identify the relevant button below; above the button select or input the name of the country or region you want; choose your content/format option (see above); then press the 'Order Project List' button.

If you want lists for more than one country/region, repeat the above process and press the button again; then got to 'check out' (top right above).

Top countries

with over 1,000 projects or 6-GW of cumulative capacity

Format and contents
Select country

Other major country

with over 100 projects or

2-GW of cumulative capacity

Format and contents
Select country

Other countries

not listed in the pull-down menus on the left

Format and contents
Name of country


Select continental listings here

Region and format
Continent (if not N.Am)

Worldwide projects

Select global listings here

Format and contents required
You can reserve future updates at a concessionary price

View ordered items & check out

Sample downloads

To help you choose the most suitable format, you can dowload extracts of old reports here:-

These are out-of-date and are only extracts, but should be sufficient to illustrate each format and the data coverage (as it was at that time).

Project participants

The following are included, where known:

  • Plant owners / operators
  • Project developers
  • EPC contractors
  • Power off-takers
  • Land / site owners
  • Solar module suppliers
  • Inverter suppliers
  • Finance providers

These are shown as embedded sub-tables in PDF reports, and in a separate sheet in XLSX files.

Order management

You can order multiple lists as described above the buttons on the left. You can also order partner listingsmarket overviews or comprehensive market reports at the same time.

At any stage you can press the checkout button above to check and edit anything on your order - and to submit it when you are ready.

The report will be sent to the email address given with your payment.

You can add further comments or requirements in a comment box on the payment page.

If you have a large order and want to pay by bank transfer, email your requirements to us.

Report preparation and delivery

For information on how our reports are compiled and delivered see the bottom of this page.

The general notes about reports based on our data shown on this page apply to these project lists.

Updating service

You can also order annual / quarterly updates of your reports, as described here.